
Only people who don’t use computers or smartphones are the ones who dosn’t know Google.
Google is the first website in the entire world that allows you to get a tremendous amount of information, and also facilitate research to students, and a lot of other activities and services of various kinds.

The most 16 unusual and stupid search list in the Google search engine

In short, it’s hard living or just thinking about life without Google.
An Australian company called Search Factory, decided to conduct a very interesting search to determine what is the most unusual and stupid searches performed by users in the Google search engine?

To make this possible, the company has to take into account the amount of research carried out in a month!

The most 16 unusual and stupid search list in the Google search engine

The list includes some of the most annoying and dangerous searches, such as people who are taking seriously the idea of ​​killing someone or hide a dead body of a person.
But some others are looking just for simple things, but sometimes those simple things became unusual and stupid like a search to see a naked singer or the way to date a cat and anything like that!

You can view the list below:

The most 16 unusual and stupid search list in the Google search engine

1.            “How to win the lottery”  (40 500) 
2.             “Cat dating”(110)
3.            “How to get away with murder”  (1900)
4.            “How to hide a dead body” (1000) 
5.             “How to make my cat love me” (390)
6.            “Lady Gaga naked” (135 000) "
7.             “How to ask a guy out”  (14 800) 
8.            “How to mend a broken heart” (9900)
9.             “How to have an affair” (5400)  
10.         “Why did I get married?” (40 500)  
11.         “Is Lady Gaga a Man?” (18 100) 
12.          “I hate my job” (22 000)
13.          “How do I use Google?”(1000) 
14.         “How do I Google something?”  (44 000)
15.         “Is Santa real?” (60 500) 
16.         “Why do men have nipples?” (18 000)
